

Hope of the unemployed in the U.S. is dwindling.

Five years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, many indicators , suggest that the American economy begins to heal . Gross National Product, the fastest growth in the last two years has level access . The unemployment rate fell to pre-crisis level . However, despite this good news for unemployed Americans in 2014 , a year can be extremely difficult to pass .Kathy Biscotti, on the last day of the year was pretty desperate :
" 51 years old , was born in Baltimore , grew up . My father plumber, my mother was a nurse. I worked very hard for everything I've achieved in life . "
Working as secretary Kath, lost his job six months ago and the last on December 31 received unemployment benefits : " I got 332 bucks . I need to decide what I should do . If I give money to my landlord will not be nothing in my hand . "
Kathy Biscotti, which is in the same situation one of 1 million 300 thousand Americans . Congress of unemployment benefits on December 28 had decided to discontinue . According to conservative politicians after 26 weeks of appropriations extended, pushing the jobless give up looking for work.

 With the start of economic recovery and the proponents of the extension of the duration of unemployment benefits is losing support. However, those unemployed for 27 weeks or longer, the number is still at record levels. These individuals accounted for 40 percent of all the unemployed.

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