

Global Surge in the U.S. is not threatened.

U.S. Central Bank President Janet Yellen they follow fluctuations in global financial markets, but "now the United States' overall economic outlook in terms of creating a potential risk," he said.

United Central Bank President Janet Yellen , the expected improvement in the employment market in sağlanamas reduce the Fed's asset purchase program would continue , he said.
Yellen , today the House of Representatives Financial Services Commission for the session prepared a written statement FED's employment market situation in a healthy way to evaluate not only the unemployment figures , but all other relevant data would consider noted.
Federal Reserve Chairman , six month long term unemployed the number of height and full-time jobs while trying just a part-time job find those cases drew attention to , and therefore the employment market when assessing only the unemployment figures but these two issues also need to be followed pointed out .
Yellen , the fluctuations in global financial markets in recent times , but they follow a " now the United States' overall economic outlook in terms of creating a potential risk ," he said. Fed Chairman in global markets, they will continue to follow developments have underscored .
Yellen , a continuation of the policies of his predecessor, Ben Bernanke has signaled that this would bring . Bernanke trillions of dollars to stimulate the economy by buying bonds had kept interest rates at a record level below . Before leaving office, the former chairman of December had taken the decision to reduce purchases . Earlier that month, the Fed purchases worth $ 85 billion , the second with the decision to reduce purchases has attracted 65 billion .

Fed, unemployment without fueling inflation, 6.5% below their asset purchases would continue until announced. Fed's %2 target for inflation is determined.

Fart in the morning after a written description of the prices of U.S. government bonds fell U.S. Dollar, Euro and Yen gained against.

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